Product 9-12, MiG-29
MiG-29 it's a front-line fighter, designed in seventies to cooperate with a bigger air-superiority fighter Sukhoi Su-27, in a military programme called LFI, Light Front-line Fighter. In Mikoyan design bureau obtain a designation 9-12, first flight of the prototype 9-12-1: 6th October 1977 with Alexandyer Fyedotov in controls.
"Fathers" of the MiG-29 are: Mikoyan Design Bureau head Rostislav Byelyakov and the main designer A. A. Chumachyenko, later Mikhail Waldenberg and Valeriy Novikov.
There were 19 prototypes built since 1977 and 6 pre-production aircraft, in total 25 airframes were used to tests, numbers are from #01 to #25.
Product 9-12 is first variant of serial MiG-29, produced for USSR air force between 1982 and 1986, serial production under factory designation "5" in Lukhovitsy near Moskow (MAPO MiG), in military service since June 1983. MiG-29 (9-12A) was produced for export between 1986 and 1990, for Warsaw Pact countries* (MiG-29A) and non-Warsaw Pact countries (MiG-29B). Export variants have deprecated possibilities.
1986: India
1987: Yugoslavia
1988: Syria, North Korea, German Democratic Republic, Iraq
1989: Czechoslovakia, Poland, Bulgaria, Romania
1990: Iran, Cuba
* between WP countries only Hungary not bought MiG-29 from USSR.
MiG-29 (9-12) is in Soviet Air Force since 1993, first 9-12 of the early production serie landed in Kubinka (234th IAP) 30th June of the year 1983, even before state certificate of type was issued for the MiG-29! It's certainly not the MiG-29 that we know, with its smaller rudders, no overwings chaff/flares dispensers, small ventral fins below the stabilizers, different mudguard and totally different camouflage (green-darkgreen-sand-cinnamon and lightblue). Later aircraft of early series were delivered to Black-Sea regiments (and probably even upgraded to the common 9-12 standard and repainted). After the end of the USSR inherited by Moldova and Ukraine.
Very early MiG-29 9-12, in fact second serial MiG-29, Soviet Air Force, Kubinka 1983. Camouflage is very similar to at least nine aircraft (#01 - #09) delivered in 1983, probably three colours: green, brown (cinnamon) and sand, maybe fourth colour: lightgreen (green is dominant). A kind of the remembrance of that camouflage will be later a Czechoslovakian and East German MiGs in the years between 1988 and 1989. Drawing accuracy: very approximated colours and shapes, due to lack of photos.
MiG-29 9-13 in 4-tone camouflage. That kind of camouflage wasn't much popular, because MiGs-29 were painted in standard schema, but to at least one regiment MiGs were delivered from factory in four-tone camouflage with dominant cinnamon or sand (plus green and a little bit of darkgreen). It was the 115th GvIAP, in Кокайды (Kokaydi), Uzbekistan, not so far from Termez. Two squadrons of the regiment, previously equipped with MiG-21bis, were named "Moskva" (Moskov) and "Sovietskaya Litva" (Soviet Lithuania). Aircraft #08 was presented in 1992 during Mosaeroshow. When Soviet Union splits, regiment was renamed to 61st IAP, its aircraft in Kokaydi were inherited by Uzbekistan, and used up to day. Drawing accuracy: 100%, area between fins is unknown.
Product 9-51, MiG-29UB
A trainer version of the MiG-29 without radar, instead with simply radiolocator and infra-red searching and targeting system IRST (can launch only R-73 missiles) was designed few years later, prototype 9-51-1 was rebuilt from serial 9-12, first flight 29th April 1981 with A. G. Fastoviets on controls. Mikoyan's designation is 9-51, serial MiG-29UB, in production since 1985 in GAPOiSO in Gorki (now Nizhniy Novgorod, "Sokol" plant) under factory designation "30" . In first years, when there's no MiG's-29 trainer version, in that role the MiG-23UB was used.
Serial MiG-29UB 9-51 in standard camouflage, significantly different than MiG-29's: usually 5-6 greygreenish stripes on upper surfaces and one blotch around canopy. Drawing accuracy: it's only a schema of the camouflage.
MiG-29 in service
Firsts serial MiG-29 were delivered to Soviet air force in 1983 to 234th IAP in Kubinka, 968th IAP in Ross, Belarus, 145th in Ivano-Frankovsk, Ukraine, and 92nd IAP in Mukachevo and in next years to 25 regiments in total, that means more than 900 MiGs of all variants 9-12, 9-13 and 9-51.
Soviet MiGs-29 in East Europe 1986-1994
Between 1986 and 1989 in some regiments of Soviet forces in East European countries (German Democratic Republic, Hungary and Czechoslovakia) MiGs-29 began to replace MiGs-21 and MiGs-23, while in Poland were deployed greater Sukhois Su-27. In each regiment were more than 30 MiGs and about 4-6 MiGs-23UB for training (not too many MiGs-29UB in that time were already delivered!). Regiments belonged to 16th Air Army (Western Group of Forces, Germany), 36th Air Army (Southern Group of Forces, Hungary), 4th Air Army (Northern Group of Forces, Poland, not MiG-29 at all) and Central Group of Forces, Czechoslovakia.
 MiG-29 #29, 968th regiment, Soviet Western Group of Forces in GDR, Altenburg-Nobitz, about 1990. Very interesting MiG-29 from early production series 9-12. Drawing accuracy: 100%, but only one side.
 MiG-29 9-12 #21, 733rd regiment, Soviet Western Group of Forces in GDR, Damgarten, about 1990. Very interesting non-standard camouflage on aircraft #21 and #44, painted in similar way (even more extreme) were also #09 and #33. Drawing accuracy: 100%, but only one side.
 MiG-29 9-12 #08, 33rd regiment, Soviet Western Group of Forces in GDR, Wittstock, about 1990. Standard camouflage. Some aircraft wear the regiment's emblem (#01, #08, #36, #37, #39, #55UB and #64UB) with MiG's-29 siluette and winged aurochs. Drawing accuracy: 100%, but only one side.
 MiG-29 9-13 #83, 787th regiment, Soviet Western Group of Forces in GDR, Finow, about 1990. Standard camouflage. On aircraft in excellent technical state was painted (both sides of the fuselage) a sign called "Отличный самолет" (Distinguished Aircraft): #75, #79, #82, #84. Drawing accuracy: 100%, but only one side.
German Democratic Republic
33 IAP, Wittstock
773 IAP, Damgarten (Pütnitz)
787 IAP, Finow (Eberswalde)
31 GvIAP, Falkenberg (Alt Lönnewitz)
85 GvIAP, Merseburg
968 IAP, Altenburg (Nobitz)
35 IAP, Zerbst
73 GvIAP, Köthen
about 256 MiGs-29
14 IAP, Kiskunlacháza
515 IAP, Sármellék
5 IAP, Tököl
about 96 MiGs
Czechoslovak Socialist Republic
114 IAP Milovice
barely 10 MiGs
Some of these regiments have had a nuclear capability from the mid-1970s, and had nuclear weaponry stored at their bases (for example Kluczewo near Stargard Szczeciński, Chojna, Bagicz in Poland, Milovice in Czechoslovakia, Kiskunlacháza in Hungary) in Granit-2 shelters.
Even MiG-29 9-12 (only Soviet variant, not exports 9-12A or 9-12B!) can carry a nuclear bomb RN-40 (30 kT TNT) on reinforced central pylon, as many other Soviet front-line fighters and bombers (MiG-21, MiG-23, MiG-27, Su-7, Su-27, Su-24, Su-25) and helicopters.
Product 9-13, MiG-29
 Standard camouflage of the serial MiG-29 9-13. Markings and emblems were the same as on 9-12. Note: looks that in Soviet air forces that type of camouflage was used not only on 9-13, but also on exported 9-12 (Poland, Hungary, Bulgaria, India, Yugoslavia). Drawing accuracy: it's only a schema of the camouflage and markings.
Second version of MiG-29 is product 9-13 (factory designation "7") with enlarged back, when additional fuel tank is installed and L203 "Gardenia-1" jamming station (the pattern for serial production was MiG-29 1616 numer #26, after upgrade first flight in January 1987). Main target for the modification was a greater operational radius. In production between 1986 and 1991 in Lukhovitsy. Improved radar, avionics and possibilities to carry two external PTB-1150 fuel tanks under wings. New aircraft were at first delivered to units in Soviet forces in Germany. Product 9-13 wasn't exported (except to North-Korea in 1989).
Despite that MiG-29 has limited air-to-ground attack possibilites, the aircraft was used by fighter-bomber aviation. One regiment in Odessa air army, 642nd APIB in Voznyeyensk Мартыновка (Martinovka), and second 927th APIB regiment in Береза (Byeryeza), Belarus. To perform a fighter-bomber aviation tasks, aircraft use bombs weight 50-500 kg, gun and unguided rockets S-8. aircraft 9-13 in Martinovka were painted in 4-tone camouflage schema (green-lightgreen-cinnamon-sand), and were delivered from Lukhovitsy factory (few on them were in 1989 shifted to Markuleshty). It was a sole regiment in USSR where performs certificated fighter-bomber training of the airmen in MiG-29.
MiG-29S, SE, SD, N
Third main version of MiG-29 is MiG-29S, not in mass production. When in 1986 A. Tolkachev from "Fazotron" revealed a secrets of Soviets radars, new version are developed - MiG-31B and MiG-29S (nobody known what means "S" in the designation). New MiG was based on 9-12 or 9-13 airframe (no visual differences) with radar N019 "Topaz-M", armament system RLPK-29M, computer C-101M. Aircraft can launch new missiles R-77 with active radio-location head and new versions of the R-27 missiles (R-27T, R-27RE/TE). Prototypes involved about 1989-1991: #404 #405 #406 #407. In the same time some of earlier produced (until 1992) 9-12 airframes were modernized to similar standard SD and sell to Malaysia, where were soon upgraded to MiG-29N/NUB standards with in-flight refueling probe (tested 1995-1996 on prototype #357 serial no. 4808).
Production since 1991 is only about 50 aircraft, from which 16 were delivered in 1992 to Russian Air Force (4th CBPiPLS in Lipyetsk and 73rd GvIAP, Shaykovka), the others converted into various prototypes (SE, SM: #333 #555 #777 #999) or exported.
MiG-29SE export:
1998: 3 Peru
1999-2000: 6 Bangladesh
2000-2001: 2 Eritrea
2001: 12 Yemen
2003-2004: 10 Sudan
Serial MiG-29S, CBPiPLS in Lipyetsk, 1995. Primary number #54 (MiG-29S have numbers between #50 and #62).
MiG-29SE #999 in 1994. One of prototypes and demonstrators offered in nineties to foreign customers, in various configurations and under different names, in desperate hours when Russian Air Force not buy MiG-29 almost at all. It is possible that aircraft was in 2000 delivered to Bangladesh, with number 36501. Even if not, Bangladeshi MiGs have almost the same camouflage.
LII Zhukovsky
Every type of military russian aircraft should pass the State Acceptance Trials. First stage (A) to confirm flying characteristics, in LII Летно-исследовательский институт имени М.М. Громова, a State (Ministry of Air Industry) Flight Research Institute named after M. M. Gromov in Zhukovskiy near Moscov. Military stage B, to confirm combat characteristics, is realised in the 929-й ГЛИЦ, Ахтубинск (929th GLITs, Akhtubinsk).
LII is a research and development establishment, which handles the most relevant problems of aviation and cosmonautics with the methods of scientific experiment using flying laboratories, models, test and production planes. It's tasks is: testing prototype aircraft and equipment, conducts most complex prototype tests, improving the techniques of prototype flight tests, improves the standard testing techniques to use in military and civil aviation and issues corresponding guiding documents (prototype testing manuals, adequacy-testing methods, etc.), developing the safety issues.
ЛИЦ Лётно-испытательный центр (LITs Flight Research Centre) and later PITs (Pilotazhno-Isslyedovatyelskiy Cyentr, Research Pilot Centre) was founded in LII by test-pilot Anatoliy Nikolaevich Kvochur in 1992 to carry out the research programs on designing of cockpits and control units, satellite radio navigation, in-flight refueling, extra long-distance non-stop flights, extramanoeuvrability operations, medical purposes, and for demonstrative flights of the Su-27, Su-30 and MiG-29.
To perform a tests, LII get in 1992 some aircraft, under command of test-pilot Anatoly Kvochur an aerobatic team was created, named Test Pilots Team, active between 1992 and 1996. Use demilitarized Su-27P, Su-27PU (Su-30) and two MiGs-29. MiGs are destroyed in mid-air collision in Fairford, Great Britain, during air show in 1993. After that, only Su-30 were used, displayed mainly by A. Kvochur itself.
 Test Pilots team uses two MiGs #526 and 925, 1993. Drawing accuracy: 100%.
 August 2013: first MiG in LII in Zhukovsky since 1993: MiG-29UB #84 converted to LL (Flying Laboratory). Drawing accuracy: 100%.
 August 2017, same aircraft as above. Vitaly Ivanovich Popkov (1922 - 2010) was a Soviet pilot in the Secon World War with 41 victories, two-times Hero of Soviet Union. He was a prototype of pilot Maestro in 1973 movie В бой идут одни «старики» (Only Old Men Are Going to Battle) directed by Leonid Bykov. Drawing accuracy: 100%.
CBPiPLS Lipeck
4-й ЦБПиПЛС, Липецк-2 ■ 4th TsBPiPLS, Lipyetsk-2
Lipyetsk (Lipeck) it's a home of the 4-й Центр Боевой Подготовки и Переучивания Личного Состава ВВС имени В.П.Чкалова (4th Centre of the Combat Preparation and Re-training of the Flying Personnel). In Centre is active 968-й ИИСАП Севастопольский Псследовательско-Инструкторский Смешанный Авиационный Полк (968th IISAP, Sevastopol's Research and Instructors Mixed Air Regiment) with four squadrons:
1st fighter air squadron: Su-27, Su-27UB, Su-30, Su-27SM
2nd fighter air squadron: MiG-29 and MiG-29UB
3rd bomber air squadron: Su-24M
4th assault air squadron: Su-25
In nineties in Lipyetsk remain a few MiGs - about ten (half of them were double-seaters), rest of them, withdrawed from Nobitz, are tranfered to other regiments. They have classic camouflage with added Russian-flag on top, numbers were changed* and repainted on fuselage, known are #29, #31, #32. For sure aircraft #38 will be renumbered to #22 before 2006 (but not have a flag on top). MiGs-29UB have numbers #34, #35, #36, #37 and #38 and were painted in two-tone camouflage (lightgrey and lightgreen), but colours after 2000 were almost faded - both almost the same lightgrey.
* In Russian Air Force code numbers are not assigned to aircraft, but airplanes are numbered in each unit, from 01 (13 is not used, because thet are supersticius). Double-seaters usually have numbers atarted from 60. A chaos started when aircraft are shifted between units.
 MiG-29 #29, 968th regiment was one of the eight regiments with MiG-29 in Soviet Western Group of Forces in German Democratic Republic. Airfield Nobitz (Altenburg), about 1990. Very interesting MiG-29 from early production series 9-12: small auxiliary ventral fins and no overwing chaff/flare dispensers. aircraft #07, #08, #35, #40 and #42 wear a "winged star" emblem. Each of them has been renovated and repainted in some places by various enamels, in regiment's technical maintenance unit. Drawing accuracy: only one side.
 MiG-29S #29, 968th IISAP Lipyetsk, about 1995. Numbers on dark background, changed from #54. White stripes to distinguish "friends" and "foes" during exercises. Drawing accuracy: shapes of the camouflage are approximated a little on upper surfaces.
 MiG-29 #32, Russia, Lipyetsk, about 1998. Drawing accuracy: 100%.
 MiG-29UB #37, Russia, Lipyetsk, after 2000. Drawing accuracy: 100%, but aircraft should be more dirty before overhaul. Faded red in stars is OK.
 MiG-29 #23, Russia, Lipyetsk, 2006. Repainted by local technical maintenance unit some years ago. Also #22 was painted in that way. Drawing accuracy: 100%, but only left side.
 MiG-29 #24, Russia, Lipyetsk, 2010. Repainted by local technical maintenance just recently (also #22 and MiG-29UB #38 were repainted in that way).Drawing accuracy: 100%, but only left side.
 In 2006 aerobatics group Russian Falcons was formed in Lipyetsk. Drawing accuracy: 100%.
 One of the four MiGs of the Russian Falcons group, Lipyetsk 2008. Drawing accuracy: 100%.
Reserve Base, Lipeck
4020-я БРС, Липецк-2 ■ 4020th BRS, Lipyetsk-2
First reserve base БРС База Резерва Самолетов (Reserve Base of the aircraft) is located on airfield Lipyetsk-2, home of the 4th TsBPiPLS and 968th IISAP. In that base older, retired from current service aircraft are stored for war-time and regularly checked: 93 x MiG-29, 55 x MiG-27, 266 x MiG-23.
Previously a unit are named БРАТ База Резерва Авиационной Техники (BRAT, Reserve Base of the Air Equipment), now (2010) it's a 4020th Reserve Base of the aircraft. In 1998 BRAT gets seven aircraft from other regiments to refreshing air skills of the BRAT's airmen. It was MiGs version 9-12 (yes, it's not an error), 9-13 and 9-51. All aircraft were very distinctively painted in local Lipyetsk's ТЭЧ (TECh, Equipment Maintenance Unit). Even more, 9-12 and 9-51 have very rare for a MiG-29 three-digit white numbers from #100 to #106. Other aircraft in Lipyetsk are painted in similar manner (#22 #23 #24 from 968th IISAP).
In 2010 in reserve were 93 x MiGs-29.
MiG-29 izd. 9-13 #105, Russia, Lipyetsk, 2006. Drawing accuracy: only partially.
Reserve Base, Dmitriyevka
4215-я БРС, Дмитриевка (Чебеньки) ■ 4215th BRS, Dmitriyevka (Chyebyenhky)
Second reserve base БРС База Резерва Самолетов (Reserve Base of the aircraft) is located in Dmitriyevka. In that base older, retired from current service aircraft are stored for war-time and its status is regularly checked: 120 x Su-24, 187 x Su-17, 41 x Su-22, 23 x MiG-29, 52 x MiG-27, 72 x L-39.
In 2010 in reserve were 120 x MiGs-29.
CPAT, Kubinka
237-й ЦПАТ, Кубинка ■ 247th TsPAT, Kubinka
Kubinka is a home of the 237-й гвардейский Проскуровский Краснознаменный ордена Кутузова III степени и Александра Невского имени маршала авиации И.Н. Кожедуба Центр Показа Авиационной Техники (237th Proskurov's Guards Centre of the Demonstration of the Air Equipment named after Air Marshal Ivan N. Kozhedud honoured with a Red Standard, Kutuzov Order 3rd class and Alexandr Nevskiy Order). In Kubinka there's also 226-й отдельный смешанный авиационный полк (226th Detached Mixed Air Regiment) with Мi-8, Аn-12, Аn-24, Аn-26, Аn-30, Тu-134.
In July 1983 the 234th Regiment became the first air regiment of the Soviet Air Force that received MiG-29 in its inventory.
In July 1986 regiment's pilots demonstrated MiG-29 abroad for the first time. They performed good will visit in Kuoppio-Rissala in Finland.
The 237th Centre was created in 1992 from 234-й Проскуровский ГИАП (234th Proskurov's Guards Fighter Air Regiment) flying Su-27, MiG-29 and Su-25. Three aerobatic teams (АГВП Авиационная Группа Высшего Пилотажа) were active in regiment:
Небесные Гусары (Celestial Husars) in 1974 [!] with Su-25 (now disbanded for a long time),
Русские Витязи (Russian Knights) in 1991 with six Su-27 and Su-27UB,
Стрижи (Swifts) in 1991 with six MiG-29 and MiG-29UB.
aircraft were painted in special schemes.
Since 2002 Knights and Strizhi flying in joint formation, up to nine aircraft.
 MiG-29 #44, Soviet Union 1991, Strizhi Aerobatic Team. First painting scheme Drawing accuracy: 100%.
MiG-29 #06, Russia 2006, Strizhi Aerobatic Team. Third painting scheme, used since 2003. Drawing accuracy: 100%.
2010 status: 237th Centre in Kubinka is operational, amount of MiGs: 20 x MiG-29 + 6 x MiG-29UB, also about 16 x Su-27.
 MiG-29 #34, Russian Air Force, Strizhi Aerobatic Team. Painting scheme since May 2017. Drawing accuracy: 100%.
GLIC, Akhtubinsk
929-й ГЛИЦ, Ахтубинск ■ 929th GLITs, Akhtubinsk
In Akhtubinsk is main Russian military air research centre (Defence Ministry) where are realised a military stage of State Acceptance Trials of each type of a aircraft, 929-й Государственный Лётно-Испытательный Центр имени В.П.Чкалова (929th State Flight Research Centre named after V. P. Chkalov). Centre owns a wide air range near Kazakstan border. Among other units, there's a 267-й ЛИЦ Лётно-Испытательный Центр (267th Flight Research Centre) with four Su-27 and four MiG-29.
former 28th Guards Fighter Air Regiment, Андреаполь (Andryeapol or Andreapol)
Regiment is remarkable for applied new Russian stars in April 2009, a year before official decision!
  Russia, Andreapol, 2005. 28-й Ленинградский гвардейский ордена Кутузова 3-й степени иап, Андреаполь. 28th Leningrad's Guards Fighter Air Regiment honoured with a Kutuzov Order 3rd class.
  Russia, Andreapol, April 2009. Russian stars a year before official decision! Also the camouflage is rather unique.
 116-й УЦБП, Приволжский (Астрахань) ■ 116th UTsBP, Privolzhskiy near Astrakhan
Airfield Privolzhskiy near Astrakhan was a home of the 116-й Учебный Центр Боевого Применения (116th Training Centre of Combat Applications of the Russian Air Force), a one of two units of the 185-й ЦБПиБП Центр Боевой Подготовки и Боевого Применения ВВС (185th Centre of Combat Preparation and Combat Applications of the Russian Air Force) in Ашулук (Ashuluk), uses MiGs-23 (?) and MiGs-29 to combat training and preparing of the combat procedures (second UTsBP, 42nd, is in Ashuluk).
 MiG-29 from 116th Centre, airfield Privolzhskiy near Astrakhan. After overhaul in 275th Aircraft Repair Plant, Krasnodar. Drawing accuracy: it's only a schema on basis of the MiGs-29 #10 and #20.
6982-ая авиабаза, Домна ■ 6982nd Air Base, Domna
Domna until the end of the 2009 was a home of the 120-й Гвардейский Истребительный Авиационный Полк (120th Guards Fighter Air Regiment), then a regiment was disbanded and new 6982nd Air Base created, inherited its aircraft. In addiction, to complete a fully equipped, in December 2009 the MiGs from 28th GvIAP in Андреаполь (Andreapol) were transferred to Domna, because the unit in Andreapol was disbanded.
 MiG-29 from 120th IAP, 2000. For years (since 1998) MiGs in Domna have a specific numerals, shark's jaws, Russian two-headed eagle on fins, high-detailed flying vulture (sometimes described as eagle) on left side of the spine and MiG shooting to a F-15 on left side of the spine. Full sets were painted on #41, #45 and #52, on #40, #49 and #55 there's no spine's painting, all painting were created by captain Valeriy Maksimyenko. It's worth to remember that the vulture (eagle?) it's an emblem painted in eighties on regiment's MiGs-23 in Afghanistan during war, with "Баграм-88" (Bagram) and "Шиндад-88" (Shindad), also shark's mouths were painted in Afghanistan. Drawing accuracy: markings and emblems are OK, but camouflage is approximated a little, especially on upper surfaces.
 MiG-29 from 120th IAP, Domna, 2007. Since 2007 aircraft were overhauled. Jaws are re-created in Domna by technicians. All dielectric covers are painted in blue, in that way are painted: #11, #18, #44, #47 and even MiG-29UB #84. Stunning blue look was created rather by accident, when freshly overhauled aircraft became to Domna without repainted dielectric covers, and technicians discover that cans contains not grey, but enamel. Drawing accuracy: markings are OK,but camouflage is approximated a little, especially on upper surfaces.
Aвиабаза, Эребуни ■ Air Base, Erebuny in Armenia
Armenia, former Soviet republic, in years 1988-1994 waged a war with Azerbaijan on Upper Karabakh, but lost a province and a piece of its own territory. In 1998 and 1999 Russian 102nd War Base in Erebuny was equipped with MiGs-29 for stabilising a situation (426th Air Group, later 3624th Air Base).
Known numbers in 2004 were: 01, 10, 23, 101 (UB) and 102 (UB), 2006: 01, 02, 04, 26, 102 (UB), between 2006 and 2007 MiGs were overhauled and repainted. Camouflage is also on lower surfaces of the fuselage.
 MiG-29UB #102, Erebuny, Armenia 2005. Drawing accuracy: markings and emblems are OK, but the camouflage on upper surfaces is approximated.
 MiG-29 #01, 102nd War Base, Erebuny, Armenia 2006/2007. Drawing accuracy: arkings and emblems are OK, but the camouflage on upper surfaces is approximated.
 Overhauled MiG-29 #01, 102nd War Base, Erebuny, Armenia 2006/2007. Drawing accuracy: it's only a schema on basis of the various aircraft #01, #02, #04, #23.
 Air base @ Erebuny in Armenia 2015/2016. Whole squadron of MiGs gets emblems designed and painted by Anton Pavlov, well known Russian enthusiasts and expert. Drawing accuracy: it's only a schema on basis of the various aircraft #01, #02, #04, #23. On drawing is only a set of emblems painted on right side of aircraft.
Air base in Erebuny is still operational.
6969-ая авиабаза, Миллерово ■ 6969th Air Base, Millerovo
Millerovo until the end of the 2009 was a home of the 19-й Гвардейский Никопольский Истребительный Авиационный Полк (19th Guards Fighter Air Regiment), then a regiment was disbanded and new 6969th Air Base created, inherited its aircraft. In addiction, to complete a fully equipped regiment, in December 2009 the famous Sharks from 31st GvIAP in Зерноград (Zernograd) were transferred to Millerovo, when the unit in Zernograd was disbanded.
 MiG-29 from 19th IAP, end of the year 2009. Similar lightgrey-lightgreen camouflages are applied also on MiGs-29UB. Drawing accuracy: it's only a scheme, based on various aircraft.
 MiG-29 from 31st GvIAP #01 (former #26 still barely visible on fins), Zernograd 2006. Very "orthodox" camouflage plus a shark's mouth, Guards standard, orange-black ribbon, Russian flag. Drawing accuracy: 100%, but colours of the aircraft may be more blueish.
 MiG-29 from 31st GvIAP, Zernograd 2007. Non-standard camouflage. The same set as above plus Air Force flags on slots. Drawing accuracy: 100% but only partially. Markings are OK.
2010 status: air base in Millerovo is operational, amount of MiGs: 36 x MiG-29 + 6 x MiG-29UB.
MiGs are now produced by РСК «МИГ», OAO «Российская Самолетостроительная Корпорация «МИГ» (RSK «MiG», JSC «Russian Aircraft Corporation «MiG»).
The corporation RSK «MiG» it's a:
■ enginnering centre «ОКБ им. А. И. Микояна» («OKB named after A. I. Mikoyan»)
■ Производственный комплекс №1 (Production Center No.1), Луховицы (Lukhovitsy) with aerodrome Tretyakovo,
■ Производственный комплекс №2 (Production Center No.2), in Moskov,
■ Калязинский машиностроительный завод (Kalyazin Machine ), Калязин (Kalyazin),
■ Летно-испытательный центр им. А. В. Федотова (Flight Research Centre named after A. V. Fyedotov) headed by the Hero of Russia, Honoured test-pilot of the Russian Federation Pavel Nikolayevich Vlasov,
and other afiliated enterprises (esp. «Sokol»).
ЛАПИК, Луховицы ■ LAPIK, Lukhovitsy «Сокол», Нижний Новгород ■ «Sokol», Nizhniy Novgorod
MiG-29 is manufactured by ЛАПИК Луховицкий авиационный производственно-испытательный комплекс, Луховицы (LAPIK, Lukhovitsy Air Production and Research Complex. Lukhovitsy) [since 1973 МАПО Московское авиационное производственное объединение (MAPO Moscov Air Production Enterprise), since 1992 МАПО им. П.В. Дементьева (MAPO named after P. V. Dementyev)], a branch of MiG.
MiG-29UB is produced by OAO НАЗ Нижегородский авиастроительный завод «Сокол», Нижний Новгород (Nizhniy Novgorod Airicraft-Production Plant «Sokol» JSC, Nizhniy Novgorod [former city Gorky]) [former ГАПО Горьковское авиационное производственное объединение GAPO Gorky Air Production Enterprise)].
 MiG-29UB #005 from "Sokol" Plant, Nizhniy Novgorod. Drawing accuracy: 100%.
Main repair plants (Russia, Belarus, Ukraine)
121 АРЗ Авиационный ремонтный завод, Кубинка (121st Air Repair Plant, Staryj Gorodok near Kubinka, Russia)
275 АРЗ Авиационный ремонтный завод, Краснодар (275th Air Repair Plant, Krasnodar, Russia)
РУВП 558-ы авіяцыйны рамонтны завод, Баранавічы (558th Air Repair Plant, Baranovichi, Belarus)
Львівський Державний авіаційно-ремонтний завод "ЛДАРЗ" (Lviv State Air Repair Plant "LDARZ", Lviv, Ukraine)
For the first time in the West (after '86 visit in Finland) MiG-29 was displayed in Farnbourough 1988 and Paris 1989 air show. MiG-29 was piloted by Anatoly Kvotchur, MiG-29UB by Roman Taskayev and navigator Yuriy Yermakov. Two MiGs were freshly painted (green is darker and camouflage pattern different than standard): MiG-29 #10 and MiG-29UB #53, in Paris numbers were changed to blue #303 and #304 on tails.
MiG-29 #10, Farnborough 1988. First time in the West the manoeuver «Колокол» (The Bell) was performed by test pilot of Mikoyan OKB Anatoly Nikolayevitch Kvotchur. Drawing accuracy: 100%.
MiG-29 #303, Paris 1989. Anatoly Kvotchur miraculously saved his life just 2.5 seconds before MiG hit the ground, after bird strike the right engine. Drawing accuracy: 100%.
MiG-29 9-12 #147 in 2004. I don't know what is this: two old 9-12, freshly repainted in 2004, numbers #147 and #148. Maybe owned by RSK "MiG". Almost classic camouflage, but more greenish. Drawing accuracy: 100%.
 Since MAKS 2007 MiG-29UB #90, owned by RSK MiG, flying as advertisement of Russian television Channel One (in 2007 single-seater MiG-29 was painted in the same way).Drawing accuracy: 99%.
 A little confusing. Painting scheme like MiG-29SMT, but it's only a MiG-29UB (the same #90 as above), owned by RSK MiG and used by Gromow's Flight Research Intititute. Overhaul done in 2016 in 121st ARZ @ Kubinka. Another MiG-29 (9-12, blue #150) was repainted in the same way in 2017 or in 2016. Drawing accuracy: 99%.
MiG-29 9-13 #32 in 2010. Overhauled and refurbished. New type of "camouflage", applied since 2004 (#149 blue).
Russian MiG-29 in 2010. Some aircraft are overhauled in repair plants in 2010. They are delivered to different units, probably most to 968th IAP in 4th CBPiPLS, Lipyetsk. Numbers in red (#33UB #36UB #37UB #23 #24 #24 #38 #29 #30 #32) or blue (since 2010, #08 #12 #28 #32) and different shape of anti-reflection cover before windscreen suggest that's the aircraft for at least two units and even more, repairs are realised in two plants (121st Air Repair Plant, Kubinka and 275th Air Repair Plant, Krasnodar). In 2010 one of them #32 were overhauled and slighlty modernized - on back is the antenna, probably for radio station. Drawing accuracy: 100%.
 Since about 2013-2015 overhauled MiGs are painted in grey-blue or grey-green common camouflage schemes. Shades of green vary from lightgreen to green. Drawing accuracy: OK
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